Technical Program
1000-1015 | Welcome and introduction |
Morning Session: Perception |
1015-1100 |
Keynote 1:
Richard M. Stern, Carnegie Mellon University
1100-1125 |
Computational Auditory Induction by Missing-Data Non-Negative Matrix Factorization (pp.1-6)
Jonathan Le Roux, The University of Tokyo; Hirokazu Kameoka, NTT Communication Science Laboratories; Nobutaka Ono, The University of Tokyo; Alain de Cheveigne, CNRS/Universite Paris 5/ENS; Shigeki Sagayama, The University of Tokyo
1125-1150 |
Singing voice detection using modulation frequency features (pp.7-10)
Maria Markaki, Computer Science Department, University of Crete; Andre Holzapfel, Computer Science Department, University of Crete; Yannis Stylianou, Computer Science Department, University of Crete
1150-1215 |
Preliminary Intelligibility Tests of a Monaural Speech Segregation System (pp.11-16)
Ke Hu, Department of Computer Science Engineering and Center for Cognitive Science, the Ohio State University, Columbus OH; Pierre Divenyi, Speech and Hearing Research, VA Medical Center, Martinez, CA; Dan Ellis, Department of Electrical Engineering, Columbia University, New York, NY; Zhaozhang Jin, Department of Computer Science Engineering and Center for Cognitive Science, the Ohio State University, Columbus OH; Barbara G. Shinn-Cunningham, Departments of Cognitive Neural Systems and Biomedical Engineering, Boston University, Boston, MA; DeLiang Wang, Department of Computer Science Engineering and Center for Cognitive Science, the Ohio State University, Columbus OH
1215-1400 |
Lunch |
Afternoon session: Statistics |
1410-1435 |
Combining Pitch-Based Inference and Non-Negative Spectrogram Factorization in Separating Vocals from Polyphonic Music (pp.17-22)
Tuomas Virtanen, Tampere University off Technology; Annamaria Mesaros, Tampere University of Technology; Matti Ryynänen, Tampere University of Technology
1435-1500 |
Explicit consistency constraints for STFT spectrograms and their application to phase reconstruction (pp.23-28)
Jonathan Le Roux, The University of Tokyo; Nobutaka Ono, The University of Tokyo; Shigeki Sagayama, The University of Tokyo
1500-1545 | Keynote 2:
Hideki Kawahara, Wakayama University
1545-1610 |
Data-driven articulatory inversion incorporating articulator priors (pp.29-34)
Adam Lammert, EBIRE; Daniel P. W. Ellis, Columbia; Pierre Divenyi, EBIRE
1610-1635 |
Discriminative Word-Spotting Using Ordered Spectro-Temporal Patch Features (pp.35-40)
Tony Ezzat, MIT; Tomaso Poggio, MIT
1635-1700 |
Panel / wrap-up |
Dan Ellis
Last updated: Thu Sep 25 10:34:02 AM EDT 2008